Facilities Services
JU's Campus Facilities Department is dedicated to maintaining an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching for our University community. Our staff of 85 employees provides service to over 50 buildings. JU's main campus consists of over 240 acres. Our technicians respond to approximately 400 work requests a month including our preventative maintenance program. We consider the University's 2,500 students and 500 faculty and staff to be our customers and we strive to provide them with the best service possible.
The mission and function of the Campus Facilities Department is to provide a physical campus environment supportive of all University activities while operating effectively and economically within the financial and resource contstraints set by the University.
In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Campus Facilities Department will require that a high priority be placed on servicing the mechanical devices and utilities systems which keep the University's facilities fully functional for teaching, learning, work and enrichment at all hours of the day and night. It will also have to respond to special needs that involve requests for non-maintenance services from individuals.
The Facilities Services can be contacted at (904) 256-7550.